What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda, the 5000 year-old traditional medical system of India, is a comprehensive, step-by-step, individualized approach to addressing acute and chronic conditions. Ayurveda is heavily lifestyle-based, a deeply empowering medicine that allows you as a patient to take your healing into your own hands.
Specialized diet and lifestyle protocols, specific to you are a standalone treatment in an of themselves, and, when combined with other therapies, you will be able to use the time between sessions of Acupuncture, bodywork, or any other healing modality including Western medicine to continue to improve. This changes results radically. You will learn self-assessment strategies you can employ for the rest of your life, radically improving your current state of health and resilience in the future.
Appointments are heavily educational and collaborative between patient and practitioner. We will find together the next steps for you in each session.
Your treatment plan will include:
Clinical Ayurvedic Diet & Lifestyle Therapeutics
Integrative Herbalism: Ayurvedic, Traditional Chinese, Western, & Hawaiian Medicinals
Therapeutic Movement: Yoga & Exercise Guidance
How does Ayurveda work best?
Acute Conditions: A single appointment, potentially with one follow up may be enough. Examples include a pain flare-up, attack of a cold or flu, or headache.
Chronic Conditions: A series of 5 appointments over 10 weeks (the ideal schedule is to meet every other week) is enough time for you to see results.
Please schedule a time to discuss the best treatment plan for you. Please choose the "Assessment of my Needs Call" when selecting time on my calendar.
Case Studies
AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE: Ankylosing Spondylitis
AS is a painful, progressive, degenerative auto-inflammatory disease of the spine (also known as bamboo spine). My client Victor's symptoms included iritis (inflammation of the iris of the eye), and severe spinal pain and stiffness, and extreme fatigue. His liver function was low, and ESR rate (an inflammation marker commonly tested in blood work) was extremely high. Given the long-term nature of AS, Victor was hoping to delay or avoid pharmaceutical use as a main therapy. We worked on diet and lifestyle with herbs for the first three months to prepare him for the two week Pancha Karma (PK) process. This involved a diet overhaul, targeted herbs, and introducing consistent, appropriate exercise. He then completed a home PK. At the end of the process, Victor retested his ESR which was originally just over 150. It had come down nearly 90 points and while was not yet "normal," showed dramatic improvement.
DIGESTIVE DISORDERS: Hematuria, Acid Reflux, Weight Loss.
John called me after testing positive for blood in his stool and indigestion. We addressed his concerns with diet and herbs. After 3 months, he had lost 15 pounds "without really trying," and retook the stool test. It came back negative.
Several months later, John called me again for his 15-year old son who was suffering from acid reflux and also desired to lose weight. We addressed the acid reflux with simple lifestyle changes in just 2 sessions. He happened to love cooking and we found a doorway into enjoying healthy food. As it turns out, cooking for health is quite delicious and his family loved having a cook!
Bea had been suffering from severe chronic back pain for eight years after a period of extremely high stress. Imaging slowed slight degeneration in the discs of her lower lumbar. However, the pain, fatigue, brain fog, and depression she felt were disproportionate to her physical state, according to her doctors. We worked together slowly introducing accumulative dietary changes, exercise, and herbs. She reports more energy, significantly more capacity and tools to work with her pain rather than be controlled by it, and her emotional state has subsequently improved quite dramatically. We continue together and I am eager to report back with further results, post Pancha Karma this Spring.